A conservatory of Ldotter blogs.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Today is the first anniversary of the birth of Ultima Thule -- a blog started by one of my favorite Ldotters, Aussiegirl. Since then, she's been joined by another favorite, Bonnie Blue Flag, and they've put together an excellent blog. Just flat-out good reading. Give them a click and leave your First Anniversary wishes.

If you haven't read Ultima Thule before, be sure and check out the archives. You'll see some wonderful writing and intelligent commentary, and find yourself a regular visitor.

P/S -- Ldotter Twinklesdaughter sends her best wishes from the road!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Another song making the rounds. . .

. . .on rock radio that's grabbed my attention is "Count on Me," by Default. (Song will begin playing when page loads.) It's reminiscent of early 80's metal -- pre-peroxide and makeup, sounding very Scorpions-like in places. Good, straight-ahead rock song with a great hook.

A special offer. . .

. . .you won't want to miss: If everyone who reads this page will send me $39.95, I will subscribe to the New York Times dead tree edition, type up the opinion columns verbatim, and post them on my blog. Not for just the first year, but every year, for as long as the bucks keep coming in. And, if you act now, I'll email Paul Krugman's corrections to you as soon as they are published, hot off the wires. Sorry, fresh out of totebags.

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